Aquaterm Authorizations
AQUATERM Authorizations
Operation of systems for heating cost allocation, authorization no. 78/2010, issuer ANRSC Bucharest;
Installation of hot water meters used as cost allocators, authorization no. 79/2010, issuer ANRSC Bucharest;
Operation of hot water meters used as cost allocators, authorization no. 80/2010, issuer ANRSC Bucharest.
Authorization no. 0946/2010 for the Public Service of Thermal Energy Supply, except the thermal energy produced in cogeneration, issuer ANRSC Bucharest.
ANRSC authorizations-gas
Design of natural gas plants with the pressure ≤ 6 bar, PDI type, no. 12014/2011, issuer ANRE Bucharest;
Design of gas distribution systems, PDS type, no. 12012/2011, issuer ANRE Bucharest.
Execution, inspection and maintenance of natural gas plants with the pressure ≤ 6 bar, EDI type, no. 12015/2011, issuer ANRE Bucharest;
Execution of gas distribution systems, EDS type, no. 12013/2011, issuer ANRE Bucharest.
ANRE authorizations-electricity
Type B certificate no. 6978/2011, Design and execution of internal electrical installations for civil and industrial construction, overhead and underground connections, with the voltage rating of 0.4 kV, issuer ANRE Bucharest.
BRML [Romanian Bureau of Legal Metrology] authorizations
Installation of measuring instruments, BRML no. BC-07-015-10/2010, issuer DRML Bacau.
ISCIR authorizations
Installation, mounting, repair and maintenance, technical inspections in use of fuel consuming devices with Pmax ≤ 400 kW, hot water boilers Pmax ≤ 400 kW, low pressure steam boilers Qmax ≤ 0,6 t/h, authorization no. DISPR / CR4 / A,B,F,D / 1,2,3 / 1466 / 2011
Mounting and repair of metal pipes for fluids, with -250C< Tmax ≤ 1100C, Pmax ≤ 25 bar, issuer ISCIR Bucharest, authorization no. DISPR/CR4/B,C/13/1380/0/2011
Mounting and repair of metal pipes for steam and hot water, with Tmax ≤ 2000C, Pmax ≤ 25 bar, issuer ISCIR Bucharest, authorization no. DISPR/CR4/B,C/19/1381/0/2011.